



当涉及到 为他们未来的计划制定战略, 各行各业的企业现在都必须认识到环境问题, 社会, 和治理(ESG)标准. 

ESG可以被描述为一套基本的, sustainability-focused实践, 公司实施的政策和程序. The aim of these is to limit and reduce a company’s impact on 环境, 社会或管治团体, 并加强他们的积极努力. 换句话说, ESG是一套衡量公司对社会影响的独特标准, 环境, 以及它的透明度和可问责性.

随着公众对可持续发展问题的意识和审视日益增强, companies are wise to get ahead of the curve when it comes to ESG goal-setting and implementation. 这是特别谨慎的,因为据估计 只有36%的英国商业领袖 have prioritised ESG as a priority despite the emergence of new guidance and solutions to help ease that transition. 

就公司ESG目标的环境方面而言, 这可以说是最重要的, 尤其是在这种不确定的情况下 国家和国际净零目标 达到.

对于raybetAPP的企业来说, 2024 presents ample opportunity to solidify an ESG strategy that benefits both the planet and your bottom line. Here are some ideas for ESG goals to aim for over the next couple of years.


One major way to reduce your company's carbon footprint is by switching to a renewable energy provider. There are bound to be plenty of local suppliers and full-service providers that can offer green energy solutions that can help you conserve more energy and rely on fewer finite resources.

考虑 在办公室安装太阳能电池板, 或者, partnering with renewable energy suppliers that can distribute clean electricity to your facilities. You can begin to cultivate and foster contracts that reduce your carbon footprint and still keep your operations and supply chains ticking over. 

最重要的是, consider offering employees an incentive to purchase their own renewable power for working from home, or offset their daily emissions during the commute to and from the office, 激励个人改变,回馈环境.


Once you've tapped into green energy sources, get strategic about overall energy reduction. 实施短期改革值得庆贺, but your long-term energy strategy is where you can establish clear sustainability goals and keep yourself accountable.

Identify areas for improvement in your commercial premises with comprehensive energy efficiency audits and assessments. 安装LED照明解决方案, upgraded HVAC systems and smart thermostats to help you reduce your collective emissions through helpful change.

Take stock of your waste that goes to landfills and create standards to limit or reduce waste. 如果可能的话,实施回收政策,甚至是食物垃圾解决方案, along with encouraging employees to take responsibility for minimising their own emissions as much as possible. 你可以为达到目标的员工提供奖励和激励.


Assess the materials used to develop, package and distribute your products and services. By comprehensively auditing the materials and finding eco-friendly alternatives you are creating a proactive change to your supply chain processes with meaningful action. 

From this, you can create a roadmap to incorporate more sustainable options.

选择可再生, recycled and non-toxic materials whenever possible and phase out the use of any harmful ones 例如铅和聚氯乙烯. Identify ways that you can cut down on or eliminate non-recyclable packaging by switching to sustainable vendors and using cardboard instead of plastic.

Vet your suppliers and partners across your supply chain to see how sustainable their practices are, 以及他们的工作政策和运作. Where applicable, switch to eco-conscious partners with an affinity for preserving resources.


DEI应该在你塑造你的 员工队伍与企业文化. 通过改变你的可持续发展目标,你可以, 通过扩展, 为更有意义的改变留出空间,帮助结束 普遍存在的性别薪酬差距 以及你所在行业的技能短缺. This doesn’t just apply to your current workforce, but to the future employees that you hire as well.

开发深思熟虑, 有意的目标是招募更多的女性和少数民族, LGBTQIA+和其他未被充分代表的群体. Train hiring teams on equitable practices to foster a more 社会ly aware and inclusive culture. 

另外, perform regular audits to identify and address any pay gaps related to gender, 种族或其他属性. 定期调查你的员工, 根据他们的反馈, 根据需要实施适当的更改, 例如多元化培训计划和更新的工作场所政策.


为数字化和技术驱动型企业服务, consider sustainability in how you design and develop products and services. While technology can undeniably improve how frequently businesses use materials like paper to operate, there is far more that firms can utilise for greater energy preservation.

Thoughtfully optimising efficiency in operating your technology products and cloud services is a good start. Partnering with data centres or cloud providers that use renewable or clean energy will mean that any servers or devices you use are not emitting as much. 此外,在使用硬件和组件时实现更改 减少电子垃圾, 重用, repairing or donating older devices elsewhere to continue their lifespan and prevent them from ending up on landfill sites.

另外, be cautious and careful about rolling out AI (artificial intelligence) and automation solutions to streamline productivity and preserve resources. Establish rigorous testing and management procedures to ensure unintended biases or misinformation are not perpetuated through the use of AI programmes and tools.


一旦你解决了公司内部的ESG问题, 向外看看你所在的行业整体可以如何改进. 


  • Stricter regulations around ethical AI, data privacy, sustainability reporting, etc.

  • 对实现经审计的ESG结果的公司提供财务激励.

  • Industry-wide adoption of standards around DEI, environmental impact, governance transparency, etc.

  • Labelling initiatives to help consumers identify sustainable tech products and services.


未来几年,ESG格局将继续快速变化, which presents risks but also enormous potential for business leaders to drive positive ESG change. Be proactive in setting your goals and working diligently toward them; you never know how your efforts can inspire others to follow suit and adopt similar practices.